Who Is Sitting Next to You This Thanksgiving?
Update: Just learned today that Luvey Jones passed away this week. Eternal Rest Grant unto her, Oh, Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon her. Loved you, Luvey! Luvey Jones was my least favorite person to sit next to on Christmas Eve. She was probably my least favorite person of all, but my mother, a good Christian woman, didn't want anyone staying home alone on Christmas Eve. Once we had all moved out, she decided it was her duty to invite all the widows of the world to sample her lasagna before heading off to Christmas Eve mass. Luvey and I clashed long before Christmas Eve. The first time was on a bus trip to D.C. I was 17-years-old and hoping some of the young men would sit next to me. Luvey plopped down, her slight figure barely imprinting the heavy vinyl seat. "You shouldn't eat chocolate," she said as I unwrapped a candy bar. "That's why you have pimples." I quietly tucked the chocolate away for a later time and pulled something...